Friday, May 31, 2013

6 Weeks: Time to Buy Stock in Pickles

Well, I'm following suit to Mom's first pregnancy: the crazy cravings for pickles have officially began. I have always loved pickels, but now it's every day I crave having a few of them (and yep- even drinking a spoon full of pickle juice!) I read it means I have low sodium levels, but, I just think it's damn good.

The belly is starting to protrude a bit more, I'm still exhausted early in the evening, a little short of breath, boobs are a bit more sensitive, I get car-sick even easier than before (so house-hunting has been a real joy), but it's not too bad... it could be way worse, and I'm enjoying my ride so far! We'll head to our first ultrasound next Friday, and so can not wait, as we should get to see and hear a little heartbeat if all goes well. I'm a little nervous, but so excited! It's been an experience trying to talk with the hospital, the women's clinic & the insurance company to determine what will be covered and at what levels. That's health care & insurance for ya though- good thing that's the industry we work in... not that it gives you ANY advantage!

Mom & Dad came up last weekend for Memorial Day. We enjoyed some hiking, the boys went golfing, and lots of great food (Filet, Mashed Potatoes, Chicken Sausages, Salads, Lemon Meringue Pie). Mom also bought a Giraffe Moma & Baby painting for our nursurey entitled "First Born", ironically enough, and our first Giraffe Onesie :)

Still counting down until we can share the news with more friends & family! I bought a little soft baby lamb hat on that shipped this morning, so we think we'll be using this to annouce to people shortly after our ultrasound appointment. Can't wait! <3

5 Weeks & 4 Days
 Hiking Lynx Lake
 Early 57th B-day Celebration for Dad
 At La Bruzza with my Hunny & Parents!
 Hiking the Granite Dells!
Filet, pepper, onion, pecan & cheese Spinach Salad = YUM!

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