A few minutes later, I was texting my Mom the picture of the positive test, and then just a few hours later, we were en route to Phoenix to celebrate the news. My mom already had a little snuggle monkey toy and 2 books waiting for me. Someone was excited ;) Sunday morning we did another test to be sure, and yep, it was positive.
Fast forward to today, and I am now 5 weeks along (after the 2 baby books that I pre-purchased, and the 2 Mom already gifted me... I've at least figured out that you date your pregnancy back to the first day of your last period). I'm enjoying eating for two with the healthiest meals possible (Chicken, Steaks, Turkey, moderate amounts of Fish, spinach salads, raw almonds, tons of veggies and fruits, brown rice, potatoes, sweet-potatoes, cottage cheese, pickles... and ok, some ice cream :), lots of veggie juice, milk, water, and daily pre-natals. Making sure to go for walks every morning and almost every afternoon when Dennis gets home from work... a little weight training and stretching here and there. I will probably start doing pre-natal yoga once I am closer to the second tri. I go for my first Dr. visit tomorrow--- first time with this Doctor, hoping I like him, and that all is well in the belly!!!
*January, 25 2014*
Baby Lamby on the way!
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