Thursday, August 8, 2013

Weeks 15 & 16: At Home

The past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy. So much, in fact, that somehow between my Dr. appointment last month and this month, I found out I actually lost a pound :/ I didn't like hearing that... especially when seeing my belly really starting to expand, it just doesn't add up to me that I would be lighter than the prior month. I chalk it up to the move, getting settled in to our new home, eating healthy, staying active... and well, I still feel like I can't keep up with my hunger. I guess it is time to buy some fatter foods and just start eating a little more "junk" from time to time. Bring on the burgers, fries, ice cream, and brownies ;) I want to be at least 4 pounds heavier at the next appointment and follow this whole "1 pound per week" rule. 9:00am... and yep, starting to feel hungry already. I'm convinced we have a giant baby in there stealing all my nutrients!

So yes, we are now in our new home, and absolutely loving it. We feel so comfortable here, and soo happy to call this our home. We've already gone to town working on the deck (and Dennis stepped on a nail in the process), ordered a new couch for the Den (being delivered today!), which then lead us to paint the Den to be ready for the couch, and we have unpacked and put away every single box. We love the layout, it's very very practical, best utilizes sunlight at all hours, and we get the most incredible painted sunsets every single night. After Dennis feels "satisfied" with the Deck project, we'll probably start peeling wall paper in the Kitchen & Dining, and paint... followed by my most anticipated project: the nursery.

I'm starting to conjure up some paint ideas for the baby's room. If it's a girl, I'd like to either do purples & tans, or coral & yellows/tans. If it's a boy I'm thinking greens & yellows/tans. Either way, it will have to match oak furniture & giraffe/safari decor! 4 more weeks until we get to find out... eee!

In the mean time, we'll be staying busy (still)... we head to CA this weekend for Denny's Birthday, I think my parents are coming up the weekend after (and bringing the beeze-man for the first time!!!), the 24th-25th will be Maren's Bachelorette Partay, then Labor Day, thennnn we find out boy or girl & head to Sedona to celebrate 1 year of wedding bells :) I'll enjoy this next month big time, but... really wouldn't mind the weeks going by slightly fast so we can hurry up and find out...!

Our Move-In Rainbow!
And our Rainbow Sunsets :)

 Move-in Day Teamwork! Except I don't get the reward of beer :(
Tramping around Lynx Lake 

 Our new couch, I can't wait for it to arrive!!

Hanging with Ella-Bella on Liz's fun Tuesday visit up to Prescott :)

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