Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 11: Heart

This week has been filled with Heart.

First, we received confirmation that we needed to be out of our rental home by the end of July. So for about a week, we thought we'd be needing to find a place to live for a month, until we could move into our new home. That option was most likely going to be a costly 5 week long Hotel stay, Monday-Thursday nights, and driving back and forth to Phoenix every weekend to save money and stay with my parents. It would have been a very difficult month. And then to our heart's surprise, we found out late Tuesday that the Sellers have actually accepted an offer on a new home, set to close July 26th, and we would have the ability to move in by the 28th, ironically enough, the same day we need to be out of our rental. On top of that, their Handyman they wanted to use for the repairs was booked the whole month of July, so they are now using a licensed contractor as we had first asked for!! Couldn't have worked out any better, although we realize they still need to get through an escrow process now, and we are still waiting on our appraisal, which should come in today.

In very sad news this week, and with very Heavy Hearts, there was another wildfire that broke out near the town of Yarnell about 30 miles southwest of Prescott. It started small on Friday evening, then blew out of control Sunday when monsoon storms (without rain) came gusting through and sooo sadly overcame 19 of our Prescott Hotshot Firefighters. This is the worst firefighter casualties since LA's Griffith Park fire in 1944 (besides 9/11 of course). It has devastated the town and broken so many hearts, but it's at least heart-warming to see so many members of our community putting up honorary memorials all over town for these brave 19 men and their families. Posters, flags, purple ribbons, flowers, pictures, you name it... people are finding a way to express their deep sorrows and sympathies for this. It will never be forgotten. We owe our own personal thank you to this very crew who helped save our lives and possessions from the Doce Fire just 2 weeks ago. They are everyone's personal heroes in this town. Blessings and severe gratitude to each of them. We went to the Prescott Rodeo yesterday to celebrate the 4th, they did such a nice tribute to the fallen men, and recited a prayer. The rodeo was very fun to watch (although nerve-wracking with some of the stunts they pull... man!)

And lastly for our Happy Heart experience this week. I had to reschedule my Dr. appointment that was on my birthday to today, July 5th, as we are heading down to Phoenix tonight to babysit Baylee until we leave for NY on Wednesday night. Dennis has to return to be able to work Sunday-Wednesday, but I'll be staying down there to keep babysitting and have some birthday dinners/lunches with Nani & Maren, and meeting up with Liz Tuesday to finally meet her little girl Ella! So, went to the Doc today instead, and I was soooo excited to hear our little baby's heart beating very strong, this time at 162 bpm! It was absolutely the best birthday gift I've ever received to be able to hear that heartbeat again (for the first time using the Doppler!) I couldn't ask for anything else, purely grateful <3

VIDEO of the heart beating!!!
Dennis Brat & Liquid Amber Happy Place @ the Rodeo
 Last image captured by a Prescott Hot Shot of the Yarnell Fire
The brave heroes we will never forget



  1. You look fabulous!!!!!!!!! <3 Lots of love for all that happened over the last week. It's nature's (sometimes horrific) way to remind us that there is balance in all that we experience. RIP to the Hotshots :'( See you tomorrow!

    1. Thanks lady! Yes, Balance indeed _/\_
      See you tonight, love!!
