Our home inspection went pretty well, and we are now in the midst of negotiations with the seller as to what they will fix and how. Coming down to a "Handyman" vs. and "Licensed Contractor" to do the repairs. We also switched lenders this week and got a much better deal on interest rates, and are all locked in. However, this weeks absolute bombshell was discovering our property management company for the home we are renting is serving us with 30 days notice, to be vacated by July 31st, since we didn't want to sign a lease through the winter (even though a month-to-month option was supposed to be available!!). Since we need to rent back to the owners of the home we are purchasing for a month after close (until August 31), this presents a problem! A Husband & his Pregger-Wife really do not feel like moving twice in the matter of a single month. So we are now trying to work with Property Management in order to try and stay here through August. We'll see how far that gets.
On a side-note, Dennis is developing his own pregnancy symptoms now: cravings for peanut-butter-pickle sandwiches (so weird.) and lots of ice cream. The ice cream is his normal behavior though. I just laugh when I see him go crazy over making a freakin PB-Pickle sandwich!!!! We played 9 holes of golf last weekend (my first time playing on a full-size course that practically requires a cart or you'd be exhausted just from walking). I gave myself the big snowman (8) on every hole. I didn't say I was good. We also checked out the Prescott Bluegrass festival downtown which was so laid back and fun. Just lounged in the shaded grass, munched on some street tacos, watched lots of doggies playing & little ones dancing around and smiled as we envisioned our own babes and puppy joining us someday soon! It's such a pleasant town, always something going on :)
Lastly, I did two interviews this week which seemed kind of promising. I interviewed with the Director of Patient Financial Services at the hospital for an "AR Maintenance Tech" position that sounded quite under-challenging, and ultimately decided they have a position approved to begin in October for a "Computer Coordinator" that I sounded like a much better match for. So she will be contacting me in August for interviewing for that. Then the real jaw-dropping interview: a Health Educator (a.k.a. Sex Education) through North Star, a division of Catholic Charities Community Services. I would be presenting sexual "health" education to either Middle School Boys, or High School Boys & Girls, part-time throughout the school year. Haha! But it actually sounds quite interesting and I think I could be really good at it! I also applied to a Marketing Specialist position for the Center of Performing Arts at a local college this week. I SO want the chance to interview for that one!! I would LOVE that! Time will tell what my next "gig" shall be, besides the obvious: mommy-hood <3
10 Week Bump