Friday, September 4, 2015

Here we go again! Pregnancy Round 2

I can't believe I've failed so terribly at documenting anything AFTER baby Canden arrived. Kind of the most exciting moments of our lives, but, as many first time mums know, life gets busy and time slips away. And what little spare time you do have, is usually attempted to be spent away from the computer/phone. But. In light of more exciting new and times ahead for our family... Today we celebrate having met (through ultrasound) Little Baby Lamb #2!! We are 8 weeks and 2 days along, due on April 13, 2016 (that sounds forever away, though we know it will arrive in the blink of an eye). She or he is 1" long and looked to have a strong heart beat of about 150 bpm! Camden around this time was at 120bpm, and if I remember correctly, faster heart beats lean toward GIRLS. Need to double check that. Dada & I would very much adore a baby girl to add to our family. But another boy would be fantastic too (and I'm sure Big Bro Camden would agree to that). We found out the morning of August 6th, 5 days after a negative pregnancy test (just like last time. You prankster kids!!). We were shocked beyond belief that we would be so lucky to have gotten pregnant on the first time again. We attribute that luck to mommy & daddy being a perfect match ;) I tested at 4:30 in the morning, when my patience grew thin, and then waited for Dennis to wake up to share the news, after he just had a dream that I was pregnant! I said, "well...I am!" And since he didn't know I had gotten up early to test he said "you think so huh" and I said "no, I AM!" Then it finally clicked, and we shared another one of those wonderful moments that shape life. We are so excited to meet you already, and can't wait to have two of these joyous creatures running (terrorizing) around our house. "Cam-nadoes" as we like to call it. As for names, momma likes "Emery Ryan Lamb", or "Emrie Marie Lamb". Daddy has only come up with "Kayla"... I think we need to explore some more. More updates later on... Ta ta from San Diego (we moved here this past December)!